Cafe Belim - New York

Mystery Room Midtown

Cafe Belim

New York, United States

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Cafe Belim was the place to go. It was a frequent gathering spot for Artists, Musicians, Students. Despite its success, the doors to such a paradise came to a

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Capacity: 2-10


365 7th Avenue

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close as the owner disappeared without a word. Detective Grant sent your team to investigate the cafe as there were reports of unexplained illnesses. Quarantined in the room due to the biohazard risk, you will have an hour to uncover what could have caused the cafe to close in addition to escaping the room.

Our escape game follows a nonlinear storyline. You DO NOT need to play them in order. You will not be at a disadvantage for not playing the other chapters. Players that have played an escape game before will be pleased to know that each of our chapters are different in play style and 100% different in the types of puzzles within.
